Download Curl Devel Mingw Tutorial
Cygwin mini Tutorial May the source be with you, but remember the KISS principle;-) Cygwin mini Tutorial Contents. is free software that provides a Unix-like environment and software tool set to users of any modern version of MS-Windows for x86 CPUs (NT/2000/XP/Vista) and (for the time being, at least) some obsolete versions (95/98/ME) as well.
Cygwin consists of a Unix system call emulation library, cygwin1.dll, together with a of GNU and other free software applications organized into a large number of optional packages. Among these packages are high-quality compilers and other software development tools, a complete X11 development toolkit, GNU emacs, TeX and LaTeX, OpenSSH (client and server), and much more. Cygwin does not provide a means for running GNU/Linux or other Unix binary executables under MS-Windows. In order to run such software using Cygwin, that software must be compiled from its sources. Cygwin provides all of the components needed to do this in most cases; most POSIX-compliant software, including X11 applications, can easily be ported to MS-Windows using Cygwin. For general assistance on Cygwin beyond what is included here, please use the listed at the end of the page.
Overview Installing Cygwin begins with downloading and running the Cygwin installer ( setup.exe), which is a small application that allows you to choose:. the Cygwin root directory (where Cygwin will be installed on your system). which of the many Cygwin mirrors you will use while downloading. which optional Cygwin packages should be installed as well as a few other installation options. Cygwin packages consist of bzip2-compressed tar (.tar.bz2) archives. The installer downloads these from the mirror you have chosen into a temporary directory, validates them by computing their MD5 sums, and then unpacks them into the root directory you have chosen. If you have at least 5 Gb free disk space (half of which can be reclaimed after installation), you may choose to perform a full installation of Cygwin with all of its optional packages.
Download Curl Devel Mingw Developer. 4/8/2017 0 Comments. Add the MinGW Developer Toolkit. Download SDL-devel for mingw32 and extract it to $HOME. Download Curl Devel Mingw 64-bit. Optional, for FLAC support. Optional, for JPEG support. Just download curl and extract the compressed file.
This choice is recommended for those who prefer to work in a Unix or GNU/Linux environment but who are constrained to work under MS-Windows. A full installation provides a large subset of the software provided as standard components of a typical GNU/Linux distribution. Allow at least an hour to perform a full installation if you have a fast Internet connection, more otherwise. If you wish only to compile and use existing software under MS-Windows, you may choose a custom installation of Cygwin, consisting of the Base package and a few optional packages listed below; this choice requires less than 1 Gb, and proportionately less time than a full installation. A minimal installation may be upgraded easily at a later time, by following the same procedure as for initial installation. Packages that have previously been installed will not be changed unless newer versions have become available and you choose to install them.
When the installation is complete, the Cygwin root directory will resemble that of a typical Unix or GNU/Linux system, with subdirectories bin (applications and DLLs), etc (configuration files), home (containing a subdirectory for each Windows user registered on your system), lib (static libraries), tmp (temporary files), usr (containing additional software), var (log files), and (depending on the optional packages you choose) perhaps other directories as well. The later sections of this page ( and ) describe how to access the software once it has been installed. Prerequisites. Make sure that you are using a version of Windows supported by Cygwin, and that you have sufficient disk space and time available for the installation, as indicated above. If your Windows login name contains a space character, consider changing it or creating a separate login for use with Cygwin.
The Cygwin installer names your home directory according to your Windows login name. It is usually possible to work around problems caused by directory or file names that contain spaces, but they will be a constant irritation; it's better to avoid them. Some virus scanners may interfere with Cygwin installation. If you encounter problems, consider disabling your virus scanner during Cygwin installation and re-enabling it afterwards. Cygwin 1.5.x vs.
Cygwin 1.7.x As of early 2009, Cygwin 1.7 is in beta testing; see the for the most recent information if you wish to participate in the beta test. The installation procedure for Cygwin 1.7 has not changed significantly from the procedure described below for Cygwin 1.5 (the current release). MS-Windows 95, 98, and ME are incompatible with Cygwin 1.7; if you must use one of these older versions of Windows, install Cygwin 1.5. Running the Cygwin installer. Click on the 'Install Cygwin now' icon at right (or do so on the ).
Save the link (setup.exe) to your desktop, then double-click on the saved icon to begin installation. A window titled Cygwin Net Release Setup Program appears.
Click Next to get started. Choose A Download Source: Accept the default ('Install from Internet') and click Next. Choosing the default 'Install from Internet' causes the files you will choose in a later step to be downloaded first and then validated and installed. The other choices allow you to perform this procedure in two steps. Select Root Install Directory: Accept the defaults ('C:/cygwin', All Users, Unix) and click Next. Important: The default root directory for Cygwin applications is C: cygwin.
All files installed by the Cygwin installer go into this directory; to uninstall Cygwin at a later date, simply remove this directory and all of its contents. Don't change the default text file type ('Unix'). Select Local Package Directory: Accept the default or change it to any temporary directory of your choice, but make a note of it.
After the installation is complete, you may delete the.tar.gz package files that will have been written there. If you have chosen a full installation, these files may occupy over a gigabyte, and they are no longer needed once their contents have been installed. If you plan to install Cygwin on another PC, however, you may be able to save time by copying the local package directory and the Cygwin installer to the second PC; follow these instructions to install Cygwin on the second PC, but choose 'Install from Local Directory' in step 3. Select Your Internet Connection: The default should be correct for most users.
Change it only if you encounter problems. Choose A Download Site: Select a nearby mirror site from which to download the Cygwin packages. Speeds may vary considerably from site to site. At this time, the installer downloads a list of available packages from the site you have chosen.
Normally, this takes only a few seconds; if there is a lengthy pause, you may wish to start over and choose a different mirror site. Select Packages: If you wish to do a full installation, click on the rotating selector next to 'All' (at the top of the Category list) so that the indicator to its right changes from 'Default' to 'Install'. Click Next and skip ahead to step 10. If you wish to do a custom installation, click the View button so that the indicator to its right changes from 'Category' to 'Full'. You may resize the dialog box as needed until the package names are visible. To select a package for installation, click on its rotating selector (in the New column) to cycle through the available choices until a version number appears. In most cases, you should choose the highest version number from those that are available (this is usually the first alternative offered).
In the example below, the sunrpc package, version 4.0-2, has been selected for installation. Note that the entry in the Bin? (Binary) column changes from n/a to a checked box when you select a numbered version of the package. Leave this box checked. The entry in the Src? (Source) column changes from n/a to an unchecked box, which you may check if you would also like to download the sources for the package. If you plan to use PhysioToolkit software, be sure to choose at least the following packages for installation:.
bc (Math, Utils). curl-devel (Devel, Net, Web). diffutils (Utils). gcc (Devel). gcc-g77 (Devel).
gcc-mingw (Devel). gv (Graphics, Text, X11). ImageMagick (Graphics). libX11-devel (X11). make (Devel). sunrpc (Libs). X-start-menu-icons (X11) (The categories to which each package belongs are shown following the package names above, for reference.) You may choose any other desired packages, either at this time or later on (by running Cygwin setup again).
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The Cygwin installer will automatically download any additional packages needed to satisfy dependencies of those you select. When you have completed your selections, click Next. The downloading process begins once the packages have been selected. The installer indicates its progress. Be patient; the downloading and installation process may take an hour or more (depending not only on the speed of your Internet connection, but also on the load on the Cygwin mirror site from which you are downloading). Once all selected package files have been downloaded and checked, they are unpacked into the Cygwin root install directory. Following package installation, any installation-dependent configuration scripts are run to complete the setup process.
(There may be lengthy pauses during this step, without any indication of progress. Be patient!).
Create Icons: Unless these icons already exist from a previous Cygwin installation, make sure the boxes are checked and click Finish. You may always run Cygwin setup again to obtain additional or updated packages without reinstalling packages that remain current; if you do this, be sure to shut down any running Cygwin applications first. As noted, Cygwin provides a Unix-like environment under Windows. The installation directory (by default, c: cygwin) is the root of the Unix-like file system, which contains bin, etc, home, tmp, and usr directories as would be found on a GNU/Linux or other Unix system. Within home will be one or more subdirectories, each allocated to a Windows user. To begin, click on the Cygwin desktop icon, or choose the Cygwin entry from your start menu, to open a Cygwin terminal window. Within this window, the GNU bash shell is running, with POSIX syntax (directory separators are '/', not ' ').
Initially, the current (working) directory is /home/ user, where user is your Windows login name. Don't use this directory if your Windows login name contains a space; make another and use that one instead, e.g., by typing these commands at the bash prompt: mkdir /home/bob echo 'export HOME=/home/bob'.bashrc echo 'export HOME=/home/bob'.bashprofile cp.bashrc.bashprofile /home/bob echo 'cd'.bashrc Close your Cygwin terminal window and open another one; your current directory should now be /home/bob (or whatever you chose to call it). See the (look for 'My Windows logon name has a space in it') for other solutions to this common problem. Finding Cygwin files with Windows applications, and vice versa Pathnames of files are often confusing to new Cygwin users. A pathname is simply a set of directions for finding a file. An absolute pathname begins at a fixed location (the root of the file system).
The confusion arises because native Windows programs use c: as their root, and Cygwin programs use c: cygwin (unless you chose some other place to install Cygwin). This means, for example, that a file created using a Cygwin program as /home/bob/foo.txt can be read using a native Windows program as c: cygwin home bob foo.txt (the two pathnames refer to the same disk file). If you need to use a Cygwin program to read or write a file located outside of c: cygwin, you can use a pathname beginning with /cygdrive/c/ for this purpose. For example, a native Windows file called c: My Documents hello.c can be found by a Cygwin program at /cygdrive/c/My Documents/hello.c (note how the space character in 'My Documents' must be prefixed by ' ' to force it to be treated as part of the pathname).
If you have a Windows d: drive, use /cygdrive/d/ in the same way to access its contents from Cygwin programs. Unix/Linux files occasionally have names that differ only in case (a frequent example is makefile and Makefile). Be careful: although Windows does preserve the original case of characters in filenames, it ignores case when looking for matches to file names. So, for example, if you write a file called and then another called, the first one will be overwritten. This behavior might be no surprise to Windows users, but it may be unexpected to Unix users. The X Window System, version 11 (often 'X11', or simply 'X') is the standard graphical environment under Unix and GNU/Linux; it is also available for other platforms, including Mac OS X and MS-Windows. X applications ('clients') exchange data with an X server (another application).
The X server receives and interprets instructions from the clients for displaying the clients' windows, and it collects and transmits keyboard and mouse input events to the clients. The xorg packages available with Cygwin (collectively, 'Cygwin/X') provide a high-quality X server (XWin), a large set of standard X clients, and a complete set of development tools that can be used to compile X clients that run under MS-Windows. Important: X clients cannot run unless they can connect to a running X server. The X server must be started first. When you use Cygwin/X, the X server runs on your PC, under MS-Windows.
Once the X server is running, you can launch and interact with X clients on your PC or on any other networked computer (which can be running MS-Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Unix, or any other OS that can run X client software). The X server, XWin, can be launched in several ways. One of these is by running c: cygwin usr X11R6 bin startxwin.bat (you may wish to create a desktop shortcut to this batch file so that you can launch the X server by clicking on its icon). Another way to launch the X server is by running the command startx in a Cygwin window. When you launch the X server, it starts an xterm (terminal emulator) client: Within this window, just as in a Cygwin terminal window, you are running the GNU bash shell. An important difference is that you can launch other X clients from an xterm without additional preparation.
You can access xterm's menus by pressing and holding the Ctrl key while clicking the left, middle, or right mouse buttons. Use these menus to enable the scrollbar (as shown in the screen shot above) or to change the character size, among other possibilities. While the X server is running, its icon ('X') appears in the Windows system tray (see above). You can click on this icon to force the X server to exit, but doing so will also force any X clients to exit; normally you should exit from all X clients before stopping the server. Since the X server is a complete window system, it has a 'root' (background) window on which X clients' windows are displayed. By default, XWin runs in 'rootless' mode, in which its root window is invisible, allowing the MS-Windows desktop and application windows to be visible, and allowing the X clients' windows to be moved, resized, closed, and reopened using the same methods as for native MS-Windows applications.
Readers who are familiar with GNU/Linux or Unix may not need much more information than what is given above to begin using Cygwin productively. The environment is so Unix-like that it's easy to forget that it is all running under MS-Windows. The highlights the important differences between Cygwin and other Unix(-like) environments. Those who are new to Unix may find the additional resources listed below to be helpful while they are becoming familiar with the Unix way of doing things, which is quite different from the MS-Windows model. Almost anything you learn while using Cygwin is directly transferrable to GNU/Linux. If your experience encourages you to make the leap to GNU/Linux, you might want to start with a live CD distribution such as, which allows you to run a full GNU/Linux distribution without writing anything to your hard disk.
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The Cygwin project maintains several useful documents here, including:. Look here to see if your favorite GNU/Linux application is available as a Cygwin package. Although written for UNIX, almost all of this excellent tutorial from the University of Surrey is applicable to Cygwin. The final section (tutorial 8) describes features of csh, an alternative to bash. This clearly written guide from the Malta Linux Users' Group covers some of the same material as the previous resource, and fills in the gaps with discussion of the bash shell.
Skip the sections about creating a user account and how to access the terminal window, which are GNU/Linux-specific; the remainder is a gentle introduction to bash and to the organization of a typical Unix file system (which is an accurate description of the Cygwin root directory hierarchy with the exception of /dev, which is not present under Cygwin).h or -help. These command-line options are interpreted by most Unix applications as a request for a usage summary; they are the Unix equivalents of /? For example, type ' mkdir -help' at a bash prompt to get a usage summary for the mkdir command. Usage summaries are usually very brief and are most useful to help recall information you have learned from some other source. These are the standard, (almost) universally available, cryptically concise, on-line reference documents for Unix programs. Type ' man program' at a bash prompt to see the man page for program. McGill University maintains a gentle (this seems to be off-line as of early 2008; another introduction to man pages is ).
One of the most efficient ways to get help with common Unix questions is by using the name of a command or the text of an error message as a Google search term. and can also be useful sources of information. FAIR USE NOTICE This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
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. Method Decompress in a directory - centralize the external libraries Unpack the archive containing the compiled library in an easy to access directory (with a name without spaces). For example: c: libs curl-7.28.1-devel-mingw32 Integration to the Codeblocks project: 2 steps There are 2 modifications that are required to make use of an additional library under Codeblocks: Indicate the compiler where to find the.h files. Tell the compiler where to find the.h files will prevent errors when inserting #include corresponding to the library in the source code. This is done in:.
Project - Build options. Click on the project root (not on Target or Debug, otherwise the settings won't be applied). Go to the 'Search directories' tab Add fetch the directory that contains the.h files (in our example: libcurl c: libs curl-7.28.1-devel-mingw32 include) and select the directory. Indicate the editor where to find the binaries of the library Tell the editor where to find binaries of the library, will allow it to generate the executable after compilation, e.g for the environment MinGW (.a extension).
This is done in:. Click on the project root (not on Target or Debug, otherwise the settings won't be applied). Go to the 'Linker settings' tab Add fetch the directory that contains the.a files (in our example: libcurl c: libs curl-7.28.1-devel-mingw32 lib) and select the parts of the library needed. Notes The.dll files Depending on how you set up your project (dynamic or static link), you may have to copy.dll files in the executable directory (or in the Windows PATH), to enable the dynamic loading of the library. In the case of libcurl, the.dll are found in: c: libs curl-7.28.1-devel-mingw32 bin You need to add them, for example, in the 'Target' of the project, containing the executable generated after compilation (or somewhere in the PATH), and this is only necessary when compiling with dynamic links and to start the executable outside of the development environment.
Relative or absolute paths When you configure Codeblocks parameter, after selecting a resource, you will be prompted with a message: 'Keep this as a relative path?' If you choose to keep the relative path, it means that CodeBlocks won't store the absolute path to the specified resource (e.g ' c: libs curl-7.28.1-devel-mingw32 lib libcurl.a'), but only the path relative to the project directory (e.g '.
Libs curl-7.28.1-devel-mingw32 lib libcurl.a'). It is useful to specify a relative path if the resources are available in the project directory. The project can be compiled on another machine with CodeBlocks. Do not copy the external library in the MinGW directory It might work and there are many tutorials that recommend this step.
However, I do not recommend doing this, unless you want to: - Mess with the installation of CodeBlocks. Reinstall all your libraries because you have updated CodeBlocks or MinGW. Do not know how to update your libraries. Original document published by on